Friday, April 19, 2019

Price of Redemption: Tiger Woods WORKED hard for his in golf but Jesus DIED for us all then ROSE.


Price of Redemption: Tiger Woods WORKED hard for his in golf  but Jesus DIED for us all then ROSE. 

We are going to look at this Easter message from two perspectives. We will look at the human side of character redemption and the Christian side of spiritual redemption. The Golfer Tiger Woods’ recent Master’s victory was exhilarating  even to someone like me who knows nothing or wouldn’t care less  about golf. We saw a man who fell from Grace to ridicule and then rise to Grace again through his hard work and resilience.  Some of his bad decisions led him to infidelity with over 120 women, divorce, prescription drug and alcohol abuse. He had multiple back surgeries that would make it impossible for most to play golf again.

He was charged with driving under the influence of these drugs after crashing his car into a tree. His stellar career seemed to be crumbling as fast as it had risen. Consequently he lost a lot of commercial endorsements worth an estimated $22 Million including those of some huge companies like GM and AT&T. 

Tiger Woods’ golf life story is like the human story of many of us on the spiritual side. When we first encounter God in our lives we start with energy, zeal and excitement doing “all for God”. Then either suddenly or slowly we start backsliding to what seems like a point of no return for many of us. We lose interest in things of God and feel as if we are useless to him. We start to think that God no longer wants to use us and feel unwanted by him.

Even at his worst Tiger’s net worth was around $700m even  after his $100m divorce settlement. At one time he even talked of retirement. His game started to deteriorate and for about eleven years he went from 94 majors wins to zero and he was rated #32 in 2018. 

Precious to God even we are a mess

Note though, that despite all this Tiger was still a wealthy man. HOWEVER, he also had another asset much more powerful than his monetary wealth, RESILIENCE! He never gave up. He had the multiple corrective surgeries done and he kept playing even as younger golfers made winning splashy debuts around him. He never gave up trying. He practiced more after each loss and failure. He went to substance abuse rehabs and worked very hard for his recovery. He saw the goal of recovery and victory when pundits wrote him off as washed out. 

Likewise God sees great value in us despite our current state physically or spiritually. In 2 Chronicles 16:19 the Bible says that God’s eyes go to and fro looking for someone in whom to show himself strong on their behalf. His love for us is unchanging and nothing can separate us from that love.We are created in His own image and for the Glory of His Name and so  God will manifest on our behalf. He has never given up on the human race. He even gave up His only begotten Son as a stand-in to suffer for our redemption, His only begotten Son who we are remembering this week. He spared us the pain and gave us the victory, that’s how much he loves us.

Romans 8:38-39
38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Tiger and the cloud of witnesses

This year 2019,  Tiger went for the big one to complete his triumphant comeback,  the Green Jacket of the Masters. He played with steady confidence despite the overwhelming pressure of the load he was carrying. When he made that last Putt and the ball rolled into the hole, however I noticed that he did not right away jump up in victory. Instead he quietly bent down to pick the ball out of the hole and when he had it securely in his hand, he jumped up in Victory and then the crowd roared as he threw his hands in the air. It was a breathtaking moment of the human spirit.

As they led Jesus to the cross, the Bible says he said nothing

Our cheerleaders, the cloud of witnesses 

The Bible says that as we run the race of faith there is a cloud of witnesses cheering us on. You are encouraged to strip off everything that hinders your faith. Like Tiger, persevere and focus on your goal by looking to Jesus who enables you because he won the victory already. 

Hebrews 12:1-2
12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith

The Lamb that was slain & the unfriendly crowds of witnesses

Tiger Woods had a cheering crowd of fans as witnesses cheering him on. We have a heavenly cheering “cloud of witnesses” too cheering us on as we walk the walk of faith. But for Jesus our Lord and Savior, there was and mocking, abusive, spitting, whipping and violent crowd. He took all this for you and I. Jesus knew and understood the joy of our salvation according to Hebrews 12:2 below. So for you and I he pushed on carrying the heavy wooden cross. A throne of thorns was mockingly placed on his head. He was humiliated and insulted and they released a thief instead of him. Those that would cheer him on were too powerless and afraid, hiding or denying that they knew him. 

Hebrews 12:2-4
Because of the joy[b] awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people;[c] then you won’t become weary and give up. After all, you have not yet given your lives in your struggle against sin.

He was mocked and nailed to the cross where he died a violent death. He was buried and stayed in the grave for 3 days . The Spirit of God suddenly fulfilled prophecy and raised him from the grave. He had done the work for us. We did not have to suffer. Grace manifested and like Tiger triumphantly picked the ball out of the hole, our Lord and Savior triumphantly rose from the grave. He gave us the spoils of victory for ever, our REDEMPTION, Amen.

Ref Isaiah 53:3-6

Impact Prayer

Father in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you for providing a redemption path for me and humanity. Your Son paid the painful price so that I may experience the full benefit of your Grace. The unmerited favor of your Love. Thank you for changing me and opening my eyes to see the light and accept your Truth who is your Son. From this day on, I will walk in faith trusting you to lead me. Lift me up when I slide. 

Thank you for my victory in Jesus’ Name Amen

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